Saturday, November 15, 2008


So, November hasn't exactly been the greatest of months so far, either.

  • Computer is still down... making due without it, but none the less frustrating. Rachel lost all of her favorites for the wedding (dresses, cake ideas, etc...) so will have to go back through if and when we get the piece of crap up and running again.
  • The brakes went out on the Reliant.. Looks like whoever had this thing before didn't change anything in this car. I've seen Ruffle potato chips with more thickness than the brake pads that were pulled off. That's since been rectified, but seeing as though all the money went to bills, we had to do the whole check cashing thing again to get the money for parts. LAME!
  • Thanksgiving is near. No good can come of this.

On the plus side...

  • Butters is better! He's more energetic, he's making onesies and twosies outside, and is just being an awesome awesome mutt... He's a ham and a half and will lay on his back until you rub his belly. He's that spoiled. That and the second Rachel or I leave the bed, he jumps up there and lays in our spot until we get back (hell, sometimes longer than that... I've had to pick him up numerous times and move him..)
  • Rachel. My dear sweet Rachel is conversing with people more. She's becoming more open about things that have happened to her in the past and what she hopes for the future. That and she got REALLY into the "Twilight" series... She read all 4 books, most being at least 5oo pages, in a span of 5 days. This coming Thursday night, she's going to the midnight showing of it in Bardstown. I haven't seen her so excited about something in forever. The other day, we watched 4 movies: Get Smart (awesome), The Happening (eh..), Balls of Fury (wishy washy), and the cult classic Orgazmo ("STUNTCOCK!").
  • Work. I've been appointed advisor for the newbies... Actually, that should be up in the negatives.. No extra hours or money, yet I have to babysit..

As Black Friday approaches, I have to wonder if anyone will be spending money or will we have a vast emptiness as the masses sleep; broke and in a great depression...

That's it for now.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A couple of updates.

Getting over a stomach bug.. I'm still convinced it was the KFC I had the other day, where as Rachel and I both have had a case of the bubble guts with it coming out of respective ends (hers have been making the way out of the mouth where as mine takes a more seated approach)...

The only thing more difficult than getting over what I believe to be food poisoning is getting attention from Rach. She's gotten inth the "Twilight" series and has plowed through 2 1/2 books over the past 3 days... She's completely engrossed and I love to see her passionate about something again. The other night when she got book #2 from Shelley, I surprosed her by illuminating our bedroom with candles, had a celtic serenity cd playing, and had a side table with the following:

  • Tissues. Shelley said it was a sad one and that she'd need them..
  • Paper towels. We had pizza ordered and I wanted her to have something to use to clean up with. Also doubled if she ran out of tissues.
  • Grill lighter in case the candles went out for any reason.

Needless to say, she was grateful and took it as something else. Not alot of reading got done that night.

So, Obama won.. We were up last night when the 11pm polls closed and it was made official. I watched Mccain's speech and applauded his "gracefulness", knowing full well the second he left that stage must have been a birage of obsenities. (-: I didn't stay up for Obama's speech. I wanted to. But my body was weak and I needed to rest. We woke up this morning and he hadn't been shot. Great start. (-:

That's it for now!


Saturday, November 1, 2008


Wednesday will be a sad day for me...

Election day will be over... I'm not so worried about the end results as much as losing all of the great ad campaigns on TV. I LOVE political ad campaigns: the clinging to supposed "incriminating stuff" until the last minute and launching it as to say "I just sunk your battleship"...

I am not voting (cast your stones elsewhere) because I didn't register. If I had, Obama would be my choice. Though I see nothing good coming of him being elected. It'll either be a series of assassination attempts that kill my daily brainwashing on TV or he'll turn out to be that radical muslim that 10% of America believes him to be (as if he'll pull off a mask Scooby Doo style and reveal himself to be Osama).. If people DO let him run the country, I see nothing but promise. But, we live in a very uneducated and, let's just go ahead and say it, ignorant time. He's already been attempted at numerous times and America's gun sales have gone up immensely leading me to believe one of two things: Either another civil war is going to brew in America or alot of folks are preparing for some attack that may or may not happen.

Me, I'm just gonna kick back and watch the TV like the good mindless puppet I am and see what unfolds. How patriotic....