Saturday, November 1, 2008


Wednesday will be a sad day for me...

Election day will be over... I'm not so worried about the end results as much as losing all of the great ad campaigns on TV. I LOVE political ad campaigns: the clinging to supposed "incriminating stuff" until the last minute and launching it as to say "I just sunk your battleship"...

I am not voting (cast your stones elsewhere) because I didn't register. If I had, Obama would be my choice. Though I see nothing good coming of him being elected. It'll either be a series of assassination attempts that kill my daily brainwashing on TV or he'll turn out to be that radical muslim that 10% of America believes him to be (as if he'll pull off a mask Scooby Doo style and reveal himself to be Osama).. If people DO let him run the country, I see nothing but promise. But, we live in a very uneducated and, let's just go ahead and say it, ignorant time. He's already been attempted at numerous times and America's gun sales have gone up immensely leading me to believe one of two things: Either another civil war is going to brew in America or alot of folks are preparing for some attack that may or may not happen.

Me, I'm just gonna kick back and watch the TV like the good mindless puppet I am and see what unfolds. How patriotic....

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